There have been a lot of new things in the last few days. First of all I am now able to make a tasty bibimbap all by myself and I can't tell you how happy I am. Here is the recipe if you also want to give it a try.
I fell back into my habit of playing with wool... this time I am trying to crochet. I still have to learn a lot.
On one of these cold summer evenings I made a great walk to explore my neighborhood again. I visited one of the best garden projects in Zurich, the StadionbracheZueri West changes so fast it's amazing, so much going on so much new architecture. Some of them really going crazy, but build your own opinion. haha!
And finally I have been to the so called best place for coffee in town, the Cafe Grande.


I had a really nice weekend in Zurich. Which started on Friday evening with a glamorous dinner at Belvoirpark Restaurant. It was so delicious and I am so happy that after two weeks of being sick with my stomach I could really enjoy the wonderful food.

Yesterday Buchfieber organized a book market for art, architecture, design, photography and comic books. Of course I had to go there... but before Espresso at Rio Bar.

After all the exhausting shopping it was time for a delayed breakfast at Restaurant Viadukt.

And in the evening it was all party with friends at our place. We also had a very tasty Assassination Apfelstrudel made by Abel to remember the death of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria an his wife Sophie.